Monday, February 15, 2010

Where Are The Hecklers?

Have you ever seen a collegiate athletic game and not seen any trash talk? I never have. I think its apart of the game. Now i understand its has its extent to not morally insult anyone but what's wrong with "booing" ? Here at East Central basketball games this is the time for the student section to have some fun. Get to mock the other teams players and chant song's about how they aren't any good. I want to see the students chanting things that makes the other players get mad and throws them off their game. These are collegiate athletes, they are old enough to take some fair share of criticism. I enjoy seeing students getting wild and having fun in the crowd. Don't get me wrong, there are a small handful of what i like to call " true fans " that do their part of heckling. From my point of view everyone else likes these young men who lead the chants. We should all want to join in and do just a small part. Making it difficult to come into our complex and preform well is the ultimate goal of the student section. So in the near future i would like to be able to sit back and witness here at ECU the true form of being a collegiate student and athlete with more fan spirit.

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